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Author: Don Stumetz
Church: San Diego
Recipe Book: The Kovacs Family Cookbook
Publish Date: Unknown
Course Main Course
Cuisine Mexican


  • 1 Chuck Roast
  • 3 tsp Chili Powder (Gebhardt brand)
  • 2 tbsp Garlic Salt (Coarse ground with Parsley (Lawry's))
  • White Corn Tortillas (Guerrero brand)
  • Crisco Shortening
  • Lettuce
  • Cheddar Cheese
  • Sliced Olices
  • Cojita Cheese
  • Pico de Gaillo
  • Guacamole
  • Sour Cream


  • Place Meat in crockpot with water overnight on low heat or cook in crockpot all day on medium heat.
  • Met is done when it falls apart easily with a fork.
  • While the Meat is still warm, use 2 forms to shred the Meat.
  • Place shredded Meat in a sauce pan filled with ⅓ with water.
  • Add Spices and simmer.
  • Taste to see if it needs more Salt or Chili Powder.
  • With the burner on medium high, place Lard or Crisco shortening in a small skillet until ⅓-½ full when melted.
  • When grease is hot (but not smoking), place Tortilla shell in the skillet.
  • After 20 seconds, turn the shell over and start to form into a Taco shape.
  • Fry until desired crispness and turn over on the other side of taco shape.
  • Turn upside down on a paper towel to cool.
  • Garnish with Lettuce, Cheddar Cheese, Sliced Olives, Cotija Cheese, Pico de Gaillo, Guacamole, and Sour Cream.


Grandpa Stumetz started the tradition of shredded beef tacos.  He would stand at the stove and make the tacos one by one and give them to the guests hot out of the pan.  He had little holders that kept the taco upright while he filled the requested condiments. When we went to San Diego to visit, we couldn't wait for some of Grandpa's mouth-watering tacos.  We added pico, olives, and guacamole as standard condiments once we started making our tradition also - Beth Stumetz