A Collection of Recipes, Memories, and Faith

Some of the most cherished moments in life happen around the table—laughing with family, sharing a meal with friends, and passing down recipes filled with tradition and love. This website is more than just a recipe collection; it is a celebration of faith, family, and fellowship—a place where food brings us together and stories are shared from one generation to the next.

Who We Are

This recipe collection is built by members of the Apostolic Christian Church, a faith community with deep roots tracing back to Switzerland. Our church was founded in the 1830s by Samuel Froehlich, who formed a group known as the Evangelische Taufgesinnte (Evangelical Baptists). Our beliefs set us apart from the established state church of Switzerland in two key ways:

  1. Believer’s Baptism – We are part of the Anabaptist movement, baptizing those who personally profess their faith rather than infants.
  2. Peace Tradition – We uphold Christ’s teachings on peace and non-violence, seeking peaceful solutions to conflicts rather than bearing arms in war.

The first Apostolic Christian congregations were established in the United States in 1847, beginning in New York State. Originally called Evangelical Baptist, our movement later became known as Christian Apostolic and eventually Apostolic Christian Church, the name under which we are registered today.

Why This Recipe Collection?

For generations, our church communities across the U.S. and Canada have gathered around food—whether at Sunday potlucks, family dinners, or special church celebrations. Each meal is more than just nourishment; it is an expression of hospitality, love, and faith. Many of these recipes have been passed down through families, shared in fellowship, and enjoyed by countless church members over the years.

This collection is our way of preserving these traditions and sharing them with future generations. It is a place where faith and food meet, where the hands that prepare meals are as important as the hearts that enjoy them.

How You Can Be a Part of It

We invite you to browse, cook, and share in these treasured recipes. And if you have a recipe that is meaningful to you—whether it’s a family favorite, a dish from your church, or simply something that holds a special memory—we would love for you to contribute!’

Submit Your Recipe & Story

Together, we are creating a living cookbook—one filled not just with ingredients and instructions, but with the love, history, and faith that unite us as a church family.

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

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